| 1. | To turn on the light creates photons by the swarm . 打开电灯就有大量光子产生。 |
| 2. | I am repelled by the "dampness," as he called it, and the swarming of romantic feelings . 我对他所谓的“沮丧”和诸多的浪漫主义情调抱有反感。 |
| 3. | The impassivity of these monumental structures contrasts sharply with the swarming human life that surges in the streets below . 这些伟大的建筑物的宁静与下面街道上熙熙攘攘的人群形成了一个鲜明的对照。 |
| 4. | The model is simulated on the swarm platform 利用swarm平台对上述模型进行了仿真。 |
| 5. | Yells : the swarm is eager to feed 我的虫群们渴望血肉! |
| 6. | Police called in a pest controller to deal with the swarm 最后,警方叫来一名害虫处理专家才将这群蜜蜂对付。 |
| 7. | Today , astronomers espouse the theory that comets spawn the swarms 如今,天文学家们支持彗星产生了流星团的说法。 |
| 8. | View menu has options to disable enable the blurring and the swarm “视图”菜单包含禁用/启用模糊处理和蜂群的选项。 |
| 9. | Scout in with buzzers ( via the swarm ) or whatever fast unit you have 用技能召唤的蜂群(或者任何你拥有的快速单位)探路。 |
| 10. | Zerg 4 : " agents of the swarm " | | - protect the chrysalis until it is | | ready to hatch . - 虫族4 : "种群的使者" | | -保护异蛹直到它孵化出来 |